Heading Blocks

Heading blocks are intended to build big bold attention areas. You can catch attention with these or just say a one liner.


Parameters Description Values Default
class Define a class to the heading block. Class name N/A
bg_color Define a background color HEX or RGB value N/A
bg_image Defines a background image URL N/A
text_align Define the text alignment left, right, center, justify left
text_color Define the text color HEX or RGB value N/A
text_size Define the text size pixels, pt, em, % 400%
When most people think of Japan, they don’t think of mountains. The Japanese Alps are unexpected.
[heading_block class="accent" bg_color="#44b687" text_color="#fff" text_size="4.5em"]When most people think of Japan, they don’t think of mountains. The Japanese Alps are unexpected.[/heading_block]
[heading_block class="accent" bg_color="#000" text_color="#fff" text_size="5.5em"]Unexpected.[/heading_block]
[heading_block class="accent" bg_color="#fff" text_color="#000" text_size="14.5em"]Big.[/heading_block]