
Let's you display a numeric counter, perfect for displaying total donation.


Parameters Description Values Default
title_tag Define the title tag h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 h5
title Define the counter title Text N/A
subtitle Define the counter subtitle Text N/A
count Define the counter number Number N/A
count_prefix Define the counter prefix Text $
cta Set true or false the call to action button true, false false
cta_url Define the call to action link URL URL #
cta_target Define the call to action link target _self, _blank _self
cta_style Define the call to action button style white, gray, black, accent accent
cta_size Define the call to action button size none, small, medium, large medium
cta_text Define the call to action button text Text Donated
Total Raised
10,300$A huge Thank you to all who've donated !Donate
[counter title="Total Raised" subtitle="A huge Thank you to all who've donated !" cta="true" cta_text="Donate" cta_size="medium" count="10,300" count_prefix="$"][/counter]