Karen Ruz

Industrial designer, by the University of Guadalajara, born in Mexico City. Designer of all types of products, considered somewhat of a “multi-specialist”, guided always by her ideals and natural curiosity for new and ancient technology. Her mission as a designer begins by giving back to the people, conceiving objects that really satisfy their necessities and problems. The power to innovate in technology that drives generations and influences ages, and current cultural trends. Redesigning what hasn’t succeeded, correcting and re-establishing what has been left behind. She gives solutions, which in the future can benefit us all greatly.

Part of her pursuits as a designer, is the preservation of dreams and the construction of nostalgia, everything that forms part of the truly essential things, the symbolic and the heritable. Her inspiration comes from the impossible; from storytelling and that which causes excitement… art, sensations and memories guide her, feed her soul and give her fragments of her true essence ready to be materialized.