
Attribute Description Values Default
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title Define the title of the block Text N/A
title_tag Define the title tag h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 h3
title_color Define the title color HEX or RGB value #000000
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bg_image Define a custom background image URL N/A
text_color Define the text color HEX or RGB value #666666
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text_width Define the text maximum width pixels, pt, em, % 60%

Text Block

Black on white

Fusce blandit adipiscing libero, nec bibendum diam volutpat tempor. Donec fermentum diam leo, ut convallis nisl tristique ut. Ut rhoncus leo vitae tempus pulvinar.

[text_block bg_color="#fff" title_color="#1c1c1e" text_color="#9c9d9f" subtitle="Text Block" title="Black on white"]Fusce blandit adipiscing libero, nec bibendum diam volutpat tempor. Donec fermentum diam leo, ut convallis nisl tristique ut. Ut rhoncus leo vitae tempus pulvinar.[/text_block]

Black on white

Fusce blandit adipiscing libero, nec bibendum diam volutpat tempor. Donec fermentum diam leo, ut convallis nisl tristique ut. Ut rhoncus leo vitae tempus pulvinar.

[text_block bg_color="#fff" title_color="#1c1c1e" text_color="#9c9d9f" title="Black on white"]Fusce blandit adipiscing libero, nec bibendum diam volutpat tempor. Donec fermentum diam leo, ut convallis nisl tristique ut. Ut rhoncus leo vitae tempus pulvinar.[/text_block]

Text Block

White on black

Fusce blandit adipiscing libero, nec bibendum diam volutpat tempor. Donec fermentum diam leo, ut convallis nisl tristique ut. Ut rhoncus leo vitae tempus pulvinar.

[text_block bg_color="#000" subtitle="Text Block" sep_color="#666" title="White on black" title_color="#fff" text_color="#9c9d9f"]Fusce blandit adipiscing libero, nec bibendum diam volutpat tempor. Donec fermentum diam leo, ut convallis nisl tristique ut. Ut rhoncus leo vitae tempus pulvinar.[/text_block]