
Attribute Description Values Default
wrap Wrap the content within the row true, false true
padding Defines a fixed padding pixels, pt, em, % N/A
pattern Set a background pattern true, false false
bg_color Define a custom background color HEX or RGB value N/A
bg_image Define a custom background image URL N/A
bg_repeat How the background-image repeat repeat, no-repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y no-repeat
bg_position How to position the background-image Learn more N/A
bg_size Specifies the size of the background-image Learn more N/A
bg_attachment New Set the background-attachment property scroll, fixed fixed
text_color Define the text color HEX value N/A
text_align Define the text alignment left, right, center, justify left
parallax New Enable parallax support true, false N/A
height New Define the height of the row pixels, pt, em, % N/A

This row contain two columns.

[row wrap="false" bg_color="#f2f2f2" padding="48px 48px"]

This row contain two columns.

[one_half bg_color="#c1e8f3" padding="4%"]1/2[/one_half] [one_half bg_color="#c1e8f3" padding="4%" last="true"]1/2[/one_half] [/row]

This row has a custom background pattern defined.

[row wrap="false" bg_color="#000000" pattern="true" text_color="#a2a2a2" padding="72px"]

This row has a custom background pattern defined.


This row has a custom background image defined.

[row wrap="false" bg_image="" bg_size="cover" padding="192px" text_align="center"]

This row has a custom background image defined.


This row has parallax functionality defined to true.

[row wrap="false" parallax="true" bg_image="" padding="192px" text_align="center"]

This row has parallax functionality defined to true.
